Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wow my stamina!

I started to diligently go to gym starting from mid November 2012. Started with 2 days a week, and a day of yoga in my office. The feeling was really great, feeling so healthy. However, when I went to swim, I still feel the stamina is lacking. Wonder if it uses the different muscle. Anyway, fast forward to Jan 2013. I signed up for Workout Studio Fat to Fit program, which supposedly is a group training targeted at reducing the fat % in the body and of course weight. I need to perform a fitness test in order to be eligible to join the program. Mainly due to they don't want participants to have any kind of injury prior the exercise. And so, 336bucks for the program.

Turns out, i'm the only one who joined the program and yeay, I got personal trainer for a whole month, 3 times a week, for just 336bucks. The training was scheduled at every tue, thu and sat. Beginning I thought that was supposed to be an hour of class. However, even 30mins of high interval training can drain me out. I'm starting to exercise like 5times a week! LOL

This is the fourth and last week of the program, sadly, my weight didnt go down, it's still hovering around 64-63, and the fat % didn't go down as well. What kind of food did I take? Just like normal.. I realized if I control my food intake, I will crave even more. Thus, I decided to just leave it as normal.

Nevertheless, despite the results wasn't really promising, I do feel great about myself. Having resting on last sun, mon and missed the class on tue. I headed to gym yesterday and did some cross training, cycling and jogging. I was trying to jog for 20mins and somehow it struck me that I can do my interval training. And so, I started to run at normal speed, then sprinting for 20 secs, and run at normal speed again for 1:30mins. I'm so proud of myself as I was so determined to do 8 times of the interval training. Without trainer's monitoring. I was quite impressed of my stamina as well because I don't normally run non stop on thread mills for 30mins. But hey, I did it yesterday! yahoo! Now I know what to do next time when I hit to the gym :)

Prost! For a healthier me!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This is a post specially dedicated for Reagan, who has come to my aid in the time of need. I was in the midst printing my thesis slides and the cartridge was out of ink! Damn it! I have just print like how many pages before and it was out of ink?! Then I sourced for printers, tried to reprint to ensure it's the ink issue. Time is pressing as I got gym class and I need to get the paper poke with binding holes. Alas, I gave up my gym class, weighing the importance of my thesis presentation. After I got the papers poked with holes and got the comb, I was ready to on my way to digital mall to buy the cartridge. The hellish place with no parking -_- but that's the best bet where I can get the cartridge. Here comes the hero, Reagan called me and told me he managed to buy the ink and I was really thrilled! What a life saviour of mine!

Thus, I headed back home and prepare the remaining of my slides and wait for my cartridge to be delivered to me. Really 感激不尽。。。He has to come all the way to my place from bangsar after his dinner cum supper to send the cartridge to me. Can't thank him enough.


Sunday, January 27, 2013


My attempt to make an avocado milkshake today has enlightened me a thought - timing. I was so eager to have an avocado milkshake and thus I chose the most ripen looking avocado from the fridge. In fact, the color was just not even half brownish. Having trouble cutting it was already the sign of an unripe fruit. However, I was not even bothered by it, thinking after taking the fruit out and put into blender, everything would be fine. I spend like 20 minutes to skin the avocado (what a chore) and taking the seed out. Then here comes the blending part. The fruit was so tough! I had to cut it in small pieces and blend. The result was bad. It can't be blended. It was only chopped to fine pieces and that's it. And I gave up. Throwing everything away, wasted my money, time, energy and hope.

Here's the thought - when it's not time yet, do not rush into it thinking everything will be fine later. Do not ignore the signs of timing. When the time is not there yet, the result will just be bad. I must remind myself about that :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013


感恩!表姐帮我很大一个忙, 省了600块。有个律师表姐还真好,处处都为我的best interest着想。今天还需要去一趟valuer office给钱,然后去一下中医那里看诊。

嗯,其实今天得到一些消息并不是很开心,感觉不是很好。或者是期望不同吧。每个人都会有不同的期望和所可以分享的level. 当我觉得感觉上和对方相处的还不错的时候,忽然让我发现,原来事情不是这样。anyway,就顺其自然吧。无需太在意,因为在意了也不能怎样。只是让自己不开心罢了。

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mid Jan 2013

Without much realization, today is already mid month of January 2013. How time flies!

I have been:
-not productive at work
-continuously looking for new job
-learning to be a more caring friend
-also joined a fat to fit program at workout studio --> hot chick resolution will come true this year!
-planning and organizing sipadan trip -> yeay!

And this CNY I will be the only one left at home since Cal is at Perth. Now I really do miss him. Someone to crack jokes of my parents, do house chores and share our knowledge.

I will need to present my thesis on end Jan, and start to plan for my CNY workout schedule!

I'm glad that when I stumble on hiccups in my gym session, there are support from friends to hold me up, to persevere and to motivate me. Life is so beautiful!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New post in 2013!

I will start my 2013 with perfect new beginning. Flipping new chapters in my life and savour every bits of it.
Be a happy go lucky me!