Thursday, November 29, 2012



Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The perks of being a wallflower

This movie caught my attention when I read that Nina Dobrev was in it, then later realize Emma Watson's in it too. After watching the trailer, I decided that to watch it. Jen was great to join me watching the movie!

The story talks about a introvert teenage guy and his life in the highschool. How he overcame his problems in his heart. I shan't reveal the story too much as there are synopsis on it. I enjoy watching this movie. Very interesting one.

The last script in the movie tell us about to live our life to the fullest, I was so touched by what the boy said. It's too bad that I can't find it online, neither that I could recall it. I am so happy that I've watched a nice movie after months!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Viva la vida

I felt so energetic and positive when I listen to this song. I didn't dwell into the lyrics, but the rhythm and groove of this song is so good!


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Beautiful world

I realized that I have become like a kayu. Despite always saying people kayu. LOL
Just had a talk with Zynn and I was enlightened by her, as always. She's my motivator and good source of positiveness. Knowing different people lights up my day.

The world is so beautiful :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Writing a thesis is just like giving birth to a baby. Maybe I cannot compare like that as I never given to any birth. But this is causing me to puke so much!

Submitting tomorrow. Gambate!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Interesting life

Life is so interesting when you get to expand your social circles. Get in touch with people that you never imagined that will stumble across.

When I am feeling sad about how i felt, my emotions, people are fighting hard for their life. And these are the people that I know. Reflecting myself as who I am, I need to remind myself of how lucky I am and keep this gratitude in my heart always. I do felt that I grew up a lot in this year :) I felt a sudden gush of happiness in me.

It's inspiring!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I was chatting with coll J on friday and realized how lucky I am. I was not born to a wealthy family, but at least my parents know that they must push us for our education. I am glad that the people around us had good influence on us. Having uncles who were teachers, doctor, having cousin Bea's family as high achievers. I guess that really influence my parents to understand that education really bring difference in our lives.

Maybe compare to my peers, I do not earn much. However, what I am earning now may be the whole family income of my cousins who just finished their secondary education. It's sad to hear that my niece do not dare to register herself to Chinese high school because the father may not be able to pay for her education there on. I hope she gets her way in to the school. And even if she doesn't, I really wished that she can maintain herself as a high performer in education. I never faced this kind of situation before in my life. Neither my siblings. If we need to study, and we do not have the means, we will stick to government education. I guess it's a choice to make. 

When coll J told me her family was poor and she still headed to TARC for her education, I was quite puzzled. Because STPM doesn't cost you any money at all, maybe just a couple hundreds of examination fees. The question pops up because for me, if I knew that I don't have the money, so choose the cheaper way. There's no need to make your life even harder. End result will still be the same. We get to graduate from university. Maybe my influence comes from cousin Bea's family. Cousin Will and Bea made it to local U  through STPM, without spending much of family's income. But I can understand that coll J's life wasn't that easy. She had gone through quite a lot to be here now. And I am grateful that my parents gave us a comfortable environment and life. Not giving us with any burdens especially financial ones. 

Life is so amazing. People around us always bring new thoughts and insights to us. Open up my mind and allow me to count my blessings. That's the beauty of life and I am glad that I am alive to savour every bit of it :D

Thursday, November 8, 2012

stress out

despite my thesis, i have to search on iproperty everyday for house. Looking at the house price nowadays, i feel even more stress. Not happy today :(

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sometimes I just need someone who really cares and loves me...
I don't know how long I'm gonna hold up, how to make it through the rough times.
I just hope the rough patch is going to be over soon enough. 

Monday, November 5, 2012




Sunday, November 4, 2012

Passion versus Rejection
