Saturday, August 1, 2009

My new possession

It's the OMNIA. Oops, I just could not resist the charm of it. It's not the conventional black, it's white! And I believer it's hard to find one here! Happy!


Anonymous said...

Wah...u have this HP? So nice...but dun angry for what I m trying to say here...I feel u become as vein as "someone" in ur list, who likes to show off her branded clothes n Tiffany ring n her very handsome bf/fiance...u know I know, who is she, right??? "Xin fu zi ji zhi dao jiu hao, bu xv yao dao chu xvan yang" (Happiness is ment for ur own, do not need to make announcement everywhere...)

Ur Frenz,

Anonymous said...

Sorry Peg, is "meant" not "ment" r u anyway?? U got read ah ming's blog???

His blog quite funny...have fun~
