Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

2008 ha~ what a year
  1. I started my career in tiger bank as Business Analyst. What I had always wanted since I grad from Uni.
  2. Know some great friends from work.
  3. Learnt more ways to handle and plan for my money.
  4. I ended 1st boy-girl relationship after some years.
  5. And I found the ONE! Yes, he is the ONE and ONLY. The right person. :D
  6. I moved in with my Batu gang friends.
  7. My blog shifted to here.
  8. I got admitted to UM for MBA.
  9. I can cash out the earnings for my pinyin blog! Although I haven't get the cheque yet.
  10. Brought my mum for a trip to Singapore.

huh? seems little things I've did for the past year. Frown. Must plan new year resolution already!

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